Kaboose's Journal--another journal of a truly fine service puppy in training
July 8. 2009
We have our new service puppy in training, borrowed for a few days before we head back East. We will get him full time starting in late July. His name is Kaboose, the 10th and last puppy of the litter born to Kruizer's mom & dad the day before we gave Kruizer to his boy (see kruisersjournal.blogspot.com and dogandhisboy.blogspot.com and www.klassikritters.com.) It's different being puppy raisers the second time around--we're more confident and know more of what to expect; Kaboose is a lot like Kruizer which is good and bad in that as I see Kaboose sit and yawn just like Kruizer I miss Kruizer all over again; we know how fast the different stages go by; and we know what it will be like giving him up when he is ready for his kid. Like Kruizer, Kaboose is targeted for a child with autism.
Enough of the talking...here are a bunch more pictures:
Here is Kaboose at 13 days old, his eyes still closed.
And here he is at about 3 weeks old with Pat. Pat really doesn't know what to do with this little furry thing on his back.
Here is Kaboose two days ago at 7 1/2 weeks up at our cabin.
Today we took him out for our first official, vested outing. We went to two hardware stores and a dog supply store. He did great, though my arms got tired from holding him the whole time (he's not yet vaccinated so we need to keep him off any ground or floors where dogs carrying diseases like parvo virus may have been in the last six months.)
And finally, this is just a cute picture.
More after July 25th....